Neighborhood Marketing [Podcast #3]

Targeting high-end neighborhoods is one of the best means of advertising a cleaning company can do.

You can use flyers to target neighborhoods, but Direct mail is the best way to get clients in the biggest homes, in the best neighborhoods, and in an area of town you want to service.

  1. The old way with bulk mail where you buy mailing list.
    1. Yearly bulk mail permit fee.
    2. 25 cents bulk mail
    3. With mailing list, continually clean up mailing lists.
  2. The new way with EDDM no contract and 16 cents per home!
  3. EDDM requires
    1. Mailer be at least 6×8 inches and up to 12×14.
    2. Print it with the proper insignia and info.  Local Postal Customer City, State.
  1. Tips for better response of your EDDM.
    1. Include a compelling headline on each ad with a big promise or big benefit.  You’ll Get the Cleanest Carpet in Atlanta or The Secret to Removing Any Pet Stain.
    2. Include an offer with each ad.  Don’t just use X rooms for $X.  Do something your competitor is NOT doing.
    3. When you mail to a neighborhood, don’t be a one hit wonder.  Remember not everyone is interested in cleaning at the time you mail to them.
    4. Try EDDM.  Many cleaners love the versatility and the type of clients they get.
      1. Commit to a small test of at least 1000 homes.
      2. Mail to the same people at least three times.
      3. Mail them a great offer with a big promise.
      4. Once you get a system down that gets a great response, do it over and over.

1 thought on “Neighborhood Marketing [Podcast #3]”

  1. ive checked this cool site a few times now and i need to say that i have found it quite exeptional actually. itll be nice to learn more in the foreseeable future! :p

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