Worst Cleaning Website Ever

Most cleaning websites suck!

Why? Because they don’t turn traffic into buyers.

IMPORTANT: There’s a HUGE difference between a pretty website and a website that converts lurkers into cleaning clients.

I’ve seen pretty websites that don’t get calls and I’ve seen ugly websites that do get calls.

Your prospects are looking for TWO important things when they land on your site.

Find out how you can use these two important sales triggers on your cleaning website to get more sales.

See this video I just shot now.

P.S. The main hurdle you need to jump over is differentiating yourself from your competition.

If you want to charge MORE than 5 rooms for $99, you have to do some of these things.

3 thoughts on “Worst Cleaning Website Ever”

  1. John,

    What if you are brand new? Hard to have testimonials and stories. Any ideas?

    • Get a testimonial on your next cleaning. Tell them your new and you’re really needing testimonials and reviews. Ask for their help.

      If you need to, go do some FREE cleaning and get testimonials that way.

      Stories? Why did you start your biz? What were you and your family doing before you started the biz? There’s probably a story there.

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